Classic Reborn



Classic Reborn
Jul 24 – Aug 29, 2024

Classic Reborn

Litvak Contemporary x Fibers Studio

Curator: Hadas Glazer


If a work of art had a voice, would it prefer to be displayed in a public exhibition space, like a museum or gallery, or would it rather be displayed at home?

Art and intimacy are inseparably linked. The materiality of the artwork, its textures and details, all affect the viewer's emotional experience. When we bring art into home, it becomes part of our personal lives, filling the space with energy and memories. The art integrates into our daily routine, adding depth and meaning to the personal space, and radiating warmth and charm. It allows the viewer to feel the presence of the artist, connect to the creative process, and experience the emotions and messages conveyed by the artwork. In this sense, art becomes part of the home's intimacy, enriching life and adding layers of beauty and inspiration.

The exhibition "Classic Reborn" focuses on works that evoke warmth and interplay between image and object, and between different materials that acquire new and intimate meanings while referring to living spaces. We explore the boundaries between image and object, art and design, emphasizing the unique connection between art and the design of the living environment

The displayed works highlight the transition from the flat image to the three-dimensional forms, allowing the viewer to experience art in a more intimate way. The meaning and memory that art brings into the home environment add layers of identity, history, and memory to each room. Among the works, you can also find original vintage items from the Fibers studio, which are meticulously restored and emphasize the feeling of homeliness. These pieces invite the viewer to rethink the dialogue between art and objects, enriching the intimate experience with art.

The exhibition is a collaboration between Litvak Contemporary Gallery and Fibers – a Restoration studio and a Vintage shop owned by Amir Lahav.

Exhibition Catalogue: